Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Screen Protectors iMAG for iPad 2

iMAG (FingerPrint and Grease Resistant) for iPad 2
*Excellent Finger Print & Grease Resistance
*Superb Transparency & Anti-Glare protection
*Against scratching, scraping & abrasion
*Perfect overlay and high reliability
*Remove without leaving residue marks

Order Online from www.mygadgitude.com

Screen Protectors Aris for iPad 2

ARIS for iPad 2
*-Crystal Clear with Anti-Reflection Protection
*Against scratching, scraping & abrasion
*Resistance to erosion & finger-print
*Perfect overlay and high reliability
*Remove without leaving residue marks

Order Online from www.mygadgitude.com

Thursday, March 24, 2011

iPad Accessories

iPad is definitely an expensive devise, which needs a lot of protection from scratches, abrasion, bumps and more. At the same time it is a gadget to be flaunted and shown off isn't it. We have a wide range of iPad Accessories, both for iPad and iPad 2. Buy them online at www.mygadgitude.com, and add attitude to your iPads. Its the only online store of its kind in the UAE.

Monday, March 21, 2011

iPad 2

Apple has just launched its Tablet-Killer iPad 2. Apart from the Thickness, Weight & Dual Cameras, its just like the previous version of the iPad. So obviously, if you own the 1st version, dumping it, and buying the iPad 2 is really not advisable.

Due to the ensuing competition from RIM, HP, LG, Motorola and Fijustu, Apple has already gone in to design the iPad 3, which is deemed to be better than the competition....So I advise you wait for the iPad 3, slated to be launched sometime during Christmas 2011.